Mayhem Mental Conditioning // Three Fundamental Truths that will affect your ability to aim your life.

Here are three fundamental truths about the human experience that are as real as gravity. We all will be measured by them even if we aren’t aware of or understand these truths: 

1. The Limbic part of your brain fires first, which means we all feel first. The Neocortex fires next so we can connect what we feel to what we think. We must develop mindset skills/tools to control and direct our emotions. Emotions give our lives meaning, but unchecked emotions will betray us under pressure and we won’t think clearly.

2. It’s also just true that we all are trying to make our most important choices based on our strongest beliefs. We are all trying to control our emotions, think about what is valuable in our lives, and make a good choice based on those beliefs. Logically if we’re not clear about our own personal values, emotion and momentum can dominate our thinking process and throw us off our aim. 

3. So, if you can’t clearly write about your strongest beliefs then you will not be able to speak about them in a organized manner. If you cannot articulate your values then you won’t be able to live them, especially under pressure. Your personal identity and your core values cannot be the position of strength you operate from and they will not be the force multipliers intended to help you grow and move forward.

Mayhem Mindset is a process that helps an individual establish their personal identity, organize their core values or strongest beliefs, and connect that to a great routine.  Mayhem Mindset is all about defining yourself, writing your own code, and developing mindset tools to live, love and compete in a more intentional way. To live with a strong sense of purpose, we all must overcome the dragons (insecurities, fear, worry, and weaknesses) that keep us from becoming 100% of the person we were born to BE. 

When you finally get tired of falling short of what you believe you are capable of, or the adversity you face is defining your life instead of refining it, you might consider the Mayhem Mindset Process to help you get reorganized and re-aim. S&H

Keep Coming Forward

Jimmy Hensel