Mental Conditioning by Jimmy Hensel // Don't Stunt Your Own Growth

Here is the problem! Many people are principally focused on their schedules, rules, habits, and staying motivated without first doing the foundational work to establish their Personal Identity and Core Values.

How do you quickly re-aim when you just aren’t motivated, you fail to reach your goals, your systems break down, or when your emotions betray you? How do you step back and create a new plan or vision? The fight to stay present, to live and train consistently is a real-life challenge! Don’t unwittingly stunt your growth by staying one-dimensional.

In the Mental Conditioning Process, being able to re-aim every day and to cast a vision for your life that is actionable, will mean you have done the work to establish a clear understanding of your Personal Identity. Living consistently in a purposeful way will require you to know how to define and exert your Identity first as an individual. You have to know who you are as an individual so that you can understand your place in your family, on your team, and in society as a whole.

Being secure in your Personal Identity means you know you can count on yourself and that the people you are responsible for know they can count on you. Being secure with your Personal Identity means you can live your truth under pressure, and you are capable of supporting your truth in your life reliably.

The next fundamental key to re-aiming your life every day in the Mental Conditioning Process is doing the work to organize and choose your Core Values, define them, and put them into language that's meaningful and authentic to you personally. Your Core Values need to be force multipliers, actionable, not just some cool words you write down. They must represent your personal strengths, your emotional weaknesses, and the ideals you are reaching for. When was the last time you stopped to rethink and re-organize your Values? Simply put, your Core Values are your strongest beliefs put into language and written down. Could you pause right now and quickly make a list of 10 Core Values you use to guide your life? Can you describe how those principles and beliefs help define your Personal Identity?

After you have done this work to define yourself, now you are prepared to clearly aim and connect to the schedules, rules, habits, and motivation necessary to move your life forward, all from the authentic position of strength your Personal Identity and Core Values give you. Being able to re-aim daily, to cast a vision for your life that will work, means you have developed a working platform of Identity to operate from. You can accurately re-aim your life through the lens of your Core Values, and you have created a Great Routine of motivation, habits, systems, and goals that become your targets to daily point your life at in all the important areas that make us human beings. S&H

Identity + Core Values + A Great Routine = A Vision that will work for your life.

Keep Coming Forward!

Jim Hensel