Mental Conditioning by Jimmy Hensel // Standing in the Gap

In the Mayhem Mindset Game, an important part of BEing a good man or BEing a good women means we are able to stand in the gap for the people we love. Having that ability requires us to be in control of our emotions. Having that ability means we must be able to think outside of our own feelings and thoughtfully craft a plan that best benefits the people we are responsible for.

We must understand clearly how much truth is needed. We also have to remember that the truth hurts most times and its important to serve it up in a way that benefits, builds and grows the people that we love. We must be able to understand how much grace is necessary and that sometimes means we make sacrifices to move them ahead. Understanding the balance between Grace and Truth is key, and serving it up correctly is even more important. BEing this kind of man or women requires that we set our ego aside and BE intentional.

Keep Coming Forward

Jimmy Hensel