Mental Conditioning by Jimmy Hensel // STOP then GO

STOP  looking outside yourself for someone to tell your purpose and mission in this life. 

STOP  waiting to be rescued.

STOP  expecting your husband or wife to make the most important choices and decisions alone. 

STOP  counting on your mom and dad to tell you what to do; move out and grow on.

STOP  expecting the government to cut you a check to supplement your life.

STOP  guessing about your purpose; intentionally live your values and pursue relationships with people who share those values.

STOP  just thinking only about yourself; contribute to your family and then to your community.

STOP  being defined by other people's opinions and emotions.

GO  do the work to define yourself, establish your identity and mission, organize your core values, and develop a solid routine that moves your life forward. 

Keep Coming Forward

Jimmy Hensel


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