Mental Conditioning by Jimmy Hensel // You Can't Just Think Your Way To Success

In order to become 100% of the person you were created to be, you must constantly be challenging your personal truths physically, mentally, and spiritually. Life should be a continual process of improving yourself and honing your mindset skills through the adversity and opportunity in your life. We all know nothing sustainable or lasting in this life comes without paying the price for it.

It’s impossible to get stronger mentally by just thinking your way there. Growing mental strength will require you to connect and put into action what you believe physically and spiritually.

Establishing your personal identity and organizing your core values is work you must do to establish the foundation of how you want to think. Identity and values become the position of strength you think and act from. Next, you must connect those beliefs to a great routine, including rules, habits, and a system you create so you can daily re-aim and continually move forward and grow.

TRY THIS! How good of a listener are you? To BE present in a conversation is one of the most challenging things for so many people to do but being present is a mindset skill you have to intentionally develop if you expect to reach your potential in any part of your life.

Being fully present in a conversation without your mind wandering is the objective. Exercising and practicing self-discipline to be in control of your thoughts and emotions, so you are prepared for real adversity or opportunity. Develop the skill of listening, develop the ability to know how to think properly and respond in a prepared and practiced manner.

Listening seems so simple, but it requires you to be present, and that takes practice. You don’t have to give great advice, be right, or sound smart; just be willing to sit there and allow the other person to talk.

PRACTICE THIS! Set a time limit, say 10 minutes. Try it, practice getting and staying present, hear what’s being said; it doesn’t even matter what the other person is talking about. If you need to have a response, simply acknowledge them and their feelings (acknowledgment and validation are not the same things), give them a hug then move forward with your day. The WHOLE point in this exercise is to stay present. That’s it.

Keep Coming Forward

Jim Hensel