Transcript from the video:

Success should be a byproduct of living your values, not the other way around. If you do it the other way around you’re operating from position of weakness from emotion and momentum as the main driver. The amount of success and happiness that you experience in your life should be a by product of your personal core values. Not all values are equal, look around the world, the truth, now this is not me trying to be right, what I’m saying is not coming from my ego, that’s not whats was happening here. I’m an idiot, I’m a freaking idiot, everything I know is because I screwed up first not because I was so smart and got it right to begin with. Values are not equal. The way we live as Americans, our highest value of freedom, the idea of freedom of opportunity, the way we have lived as Americans up until now is proof. If you want to know what kind of tree it is look at the fruit right. If you want to know what someone says is actually authentic, look at the results of their life. Success and happiness should be a direct product or result of your values in action.  If you don’t understand what your values are, then you can’t walk or re aim or create a vision for your life in a way that moves you forward based on your values. So, what I think is you have to do the work as a individual to stop an organize and analyze yourself. Hey man, am I really clear about my strongest beliefs!? Are my choices and decisions today being made today based on those strongest beliefs or am I mostly being pushed around by or with emotion and momentum hoping to keep all on track. Then we have got to take a look at it from a worldview too. Is what’s happening in America right now, are we staying true to those traditional values that got us where we are, the values that gave us these results. We are the freest culture on the face of the planet. Are we in danger of losing those things from the national level, to the cultural and societal level, all the way back to who each one of us are as an individual? Because here’s the last thing, if you don’t know who you are as an individual, then you won’t know where you fit in your family, you won’t  know where you fit on your team, you won’t know where you fit in society, and you won’t know where you fit in the world. So you’ve got to do that work as an individual‘s from your own heart out, so you know where you belong! -Strength and Honor 

Keep Coming Forward 

Jim Hensel