Mental Conditioning by Jimmy Hensel // A Memorial Story with John Lovell


I am filled with gratitude and humbled by the sacrifices made by the men and women who have fought and died for our Freedom. I consider the core value of Freedom a "Strength Value" in my life, that means it's non-negotiable, its a mountain I am willing to die on. It's one of the Core Values I use as a filter for every choice and decision I make in my life.  As Americans, we must continue to protect the Freedom we have been given and be reminded to make the sacrifices that have been made for us count in our lives as individuals, for our family's, in our American Culture, and around the world. We are certainly the freest people in the history of humankind, let it be said that our generation continued to uphold the Value of Freedom and let us honor those in our Armed Forces that died to make sure that our Freedom is maintained. 

In honor of Memorial Day, I wanted the Mindset thoughts to come from a war veteran. John Lovell is a man I respect, he is a former member of Special Operations, having served in 2nd Ranger Battalion with numerous combat tours to both Iraq and Afghanistan. Visit for info about John Lovell

Keep Coming Forward!

Jim Hensel