Mental Conditioning by Jimmy Hensel // STAY ON MISSION: What You Need to Know

We all feel, first as humans. We have to process emotion first. Next, all of us are trying to make our biggest choices and decisions based on our strongest beliefs. Physiologically and psychologically, that's what's happening. So somehow, someway, we have to be able to deal with emotion, and we have to put language to what we believe. In order to live out your strongest beliefs or values, that's what's happening for all of us in the background. We all have to deal with the past to the degree that we need to. Whether it's anxiety, unforgiveness, or regret, we have to figure out what that means to you, so it's not a crack or a weakness.

Then, in order to be present and live your life in the present right where your feet are, you have to have some mindset tools. You have to be able to dial up your emotions in the places where people need to know you feel, and you need to be able to dial them back in spaces where all that matters is the right thing to do, like in competition for an athlete where all that matters is the right thing to do.

Then, in order to move forward with confidence without anxiety, you have to know a little bit about your future. Obviously, you can't completely know the future, but you have to be able to cast a vision to keep yourself on track. Some sort of mission and vision for your life so that the values you're using today, and what you believe now, keeps you in line and directed in a straight line in your future.

Keep Coming Forward 

Jim Hensel