Mayhem Mental Conditioning // Have you done the work to BE PREPARED for 2022?

In your life's greatest moments of opportunity or your darkest hour, will you be enough? Are you PREPARED?

Being PREPARED for the significant events in your life starts with knowing yourself. Finding your place in life or building culture in your family, team, or business begins with knowing yourself. Your ability to clearly articulate who you are and what you believe, then describe your intended purpose is one of the critical determining factors in being PREPARED.

In the Mayhem Mindset Process being Ready means you have your emotions in the right place at the moment, but being Ready is not enough. Being PREPARED means your emotions are under control, and you have done the work in your life to give yourself a fighting chance when opportunity strikes or you face tough times.

Becoming PREPARED is fluid and dynamic; learning is in the doing; it’s a process in the Mayhem Mindset Course. Getting PREPARED starts by defining yourself; creating language and personal philosophy or code for your life. 

Don’t count on being READY, do the work to become PREPARED!  Join a community of people doing the work to become PREPARED for the opportunity or adversity in their lives. S&H

Keep Coming Forward! 

Jim Hensel

Mayhem Mindset // My First Mindset Lesson

Have you noticed I finish everything I write with “Keep Coming Forward”? I got that advice from my Uncle Jim. He was like a father to me. He has passed now from cancer. He would pump his fist and say, “Son, keep coming forward; if you're going to fall today, fall forward.”

That admonishment was my first mindset lesson. Some days we move forward smoothly, everything is working. Some days it’s all we can do to lift our heads. I’ve learned I’m enough (secure with my personal identity and use my clearly defined values daily) and that no matter what happens today, I can control my attitude and effort.

Through the dark times and in the good, we have the power to control our emotions and choose to be connected to our values if we have done the work to be prepared to fight for it. Uncle Jim taught me this lesson with his words and, more importantly, how he lived. I was thinking about him; he is gone now, I miss him, and it made my heart hurt. I want to honor him today.

For everyone who has experienced a tough defining loss, If I were with you in person right now, I would stand in front of you, look you in the eyes, and give you the best troll hug I could give you. Then I would say with as much compassion and truth I have, remember them, honor them, celebrate them, and ALWAYS carry them and the truth they taught you in your heart. ~Strength and Honor

Keep Coming Forward

Jim Hensel

Mayhem Mental Conditioning // Mayhem Mindset Course Q&A

Mayhem Mental Conditioning // Mayhem Mindset Course Q&A

QUESTION #1: The idea of finding my purpose or my WHY is daunting; how do I get started?

Jim's Coaching Point: Many people think of purpose as an elusive theme for their life that will be hard to discover. In truth, it’s really not that hard to define in your life, but it does take some work. I want you to think about purpose as something specific to you; it’s unique to you as an individual, it is in your design as a person, and it comes from the essence of who you are. The Mayhem Mindset Course is a process you can use to start establishing your personal identity and get the things you believe in the most organized into clear guiding principles or core values for you to use to help you with your life’s choices. Doing this work will help you find clarity on the idea of defining purpose for your life.

Mayhem Mental Conditioning // Train Your Values Until They Become A Behavior

Mayhem Mental Conditioning // Train Your Values Until They Become A Behavior

One of the most important mindsets for a values-based person is to remember that we must train those values, so they become the foundation of strength we operate from. Our values should be force multipliers in adversity. The adversity we face should remind us that we need our values because they are the foundation of strength we can attack the adversity from. This principle is not true because I say it is; it’s true because it’s the way we are wired as human beings; it’s as true as gravity. Training your values is just as important as becoming an expert at the right thing to do / the skill / the job / the task.


Success should be a byproduct of living your values, not the other way around. If you do it the other way around you’re operating from position of weakness from emotion and momentum as the main driver. The amount of success and happiness that you experience in your life should be a by product of your personal core values. Not all values are equal, look around the world, the truth, now this is not me trying to be right, what I’m saying is not coming from my ego, that’s not whats was happening here. I’m an idiot, I’m a freaking idiot, everything I know is because I screwed up first not because I was so smart and got it right to begin with. Values are not equal. The way we live as Americans, our highest value of freedom, the idea of freedom of opportunity, the way we have lived as Americans up until now is proof. If you want to know what kind of tree it is look at the fruit right. If you want to know what someone says is actually authentic, look at the results of their life.

Mayhem Mental Conditioning // How Much Racism Is Tolerable?

Racism and slavery are the most significant black marks on this experiment we called the United States of America and our quest for Freedom. For me personally, I believe the value of Freedom is our most important core value. I believe as human beings; we are hardwired or created to yearn and strive for Freedom.

I believe that the evolution of humankind and our attempt to create a society with equal opportunity must make destroying the chains of slavery and racism a priority in order to protect the integrity of this experiment. We must pay attention to and learn from the communities that have had to survive and learned to thrive through the oppression that in many ways is still happening. A prime example is Native American mascots in sports. If you quit reading here because you have fallen prey to some Marxist activist who hijacked this story to divide us, you will miss an important perspective that will further educate you and bring all of us closer together, not continue to divide us. Read On!

MAYHEM MINDSET MONDAY // You're Already Using Your Values Everyday

MAYHEM MINDSET MONDAY // You're Already Using Your Values Everyday

Let me prove to you that this idea of identity and core values is fundamental, and you use it every day, whether you realize it or not. There's no mature, clear-minded person who isn't trying to make their most important choices and decisions based on their strongest beliefs. We all do it. It's fundamental. It's just true.

MAYHEM MINDSET MONDAY // Protect your freedom by taking responsibility for your personal growth.

MAYHEM MINDSET MONDAY // Protect your freedom by taking responsibility for your personal growth.

Have you exercised your freedom and accepted the responsibility for defining yourself for establishing your identity as an individual and choosing your core values, or have you allowed yourself to be defined? The truth is either you will do the work to define yourself, or someone or something else will define you. Whether it’s another person, momentum or emotion, if you don’t do the work, you will undoubtedly be relinquishing freedom.

Mayhem Mindset // If I Ever Lose My Faith

Mayhem Mindset // If I Ever Lose My Faith

REMEMBER THIS BEFORE YOU READ this post! Adversity in my life is a tricky thing to try and compare to the adversity in your life. The worst thing each one of us has faced is the worst thing we have faced. WHILE you read this, don’t judge me or compare my adversity to yours. We all have problems and challenges that take everything we have. If you get tripped up comparing, you will miss the point I’m trying to make about Defining yourself. Don’t spend time trying to decide if I’m right or wrong about my core value of Faith. If you do, you will ALSO miss my point.

PLEASE Look for a PERSPECTIVE that you can use to strengthen your own strongest beliefs or core values in a way that authentically makes YOU stronger!

Mayhem Mindset // How To Attack That Problem Your Avoiding

Mayhem Mindset // How To Attack That Problem Your Avoiding

What are you doing today to take action concerning that problem you’ve been avoiding!? Do you have the strength to do something about it right now at this moment as you read this !?!

Or… is your mind stuck in the past with worry or regret about it, or are you lost in a fog of imagination about the future, daydreaming of what it should be?

ACT NOW! Right now, choose to challenge that situation and DO SOMETHING about it!

Mayhem Mindset // Prove What You Say You Believe By Living It

Mayhem Mindset // Prove What You Say You Believe By Living It

Are you daily testing and strengthening your core values, the truth in your life, or are you unwittingly strengthening a flawed or underdeveloped, or unproven ideology? How do you know?

Let me play the devil's advocate in this blog: Are you telling me you’ve got everything right, locked down when it comes to your values? In my opinion, if you answered that with a confident yes, you're wrong.

Mayhem Mindset // Into the Storm of Competition

Be intentional with the time you have before you head into the storm of a competition. Hopefully, (hope is not a plan, Ha) you have developed and trained the proper mindset and worked out HOW you want to think. HOW to think is more important than WHAT to think because, simply, it comes first.

In the Mayhem Mindset Process, If you are properly prepared for the opportunity and adversity you're going to face, then you will have done the work to know who you BE (Identity/Values/Routine), and you will have developed the mindset necessary to control your emotions and get present and clear your mind.

Mayhem Mindset // It’s Never Too Late, You Cannot BE Replaced

Mayhem Mindset // It’s Never Too Late, You Cannot BE Replaced

I just turned 53; I make the joke I’m almost dead, “I’m on the back nine of my life; I just don’t know what hole I’m playing.” Right off, please don’t misunderstand me. I’m not trying to be dark or make light of death. However, I am looking at my life with the perspective that places extreme value on living in the present and reminding myself that my time on this planet is limited and to keep moving forward. I believe that every human being was created with a purpose. Each of us has something positive to contribute that is critically important to our family’s, community, society, and even the world.

I re-aim each day by reminding myself it’s my individual responsibility to facilitate my own freedom and to protect the freedom of the people that look to me for strength. I recite my personal code and hold myself accountable to what I have established as my personal identity and the core values I have chosen for my life. I recognize the opportunity I have to play offense and make a contribution, and that sense of purpose resonates in my heart and motivates me.



In order to become 100% of the person you were created to be, you must constantly be challenging your personal truths physically, mentally, and spiritually. Life should be a continual process of improving yourself and honing your mindset skills through the adversity and opportunity in your life. We all know nothing sustainable or lasting in this life comes without paying the price for it.

Mayhem Mindset // You are not your ideas - You are a core set of Values

Mayhem Mindset // You are not your ideas - You are a core set of Values

Here is what I’m thinking about: I believe that I am not my ideas; I believe I am a core set of values. My values (strongest beliefs) are the foundation of the filter I use to make choices and decisions for my life. I am continually growing my values based on my life experiences and my desire to develop my character continually. I am constantly filtering ideas, conversations, what I read, and what I listen to to find truth and apply it in life.

Mayhem Mindset // Creating A Vision Based On Truth, Character, And Culture

Mayhem Mindset // Creating A Vision Based On Truth, Character, And Culture

Here are my thoughts: First, creating a vision for my life requires I set my ego aside. When I say ego, I mean controlling my emotions and giving up my need to be right so I can initially think strategically. For me casting a vision or re-aiming my life starts by looking for the Truth in any given situation. I failed many times in this endeavor and allowed my emotions and my need to be right to control my thought process or the conversation with less than desirable results.